Home Matches Garware Club House wants no. of matches at Wankhede reduced

Garware Club House wants no. of matches at Wankhede reduced

Garware Club House wants no. of matches at Wankhede reduced

The Garware Club House, which is inside the premises of the Wankhede Stadium, has written to Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA) president Vijay Patil with a request to ‘curtail’ the number of IPL matches at the venue citing losses to the club.

The Wankhede Stadium is scheduled to host 20 IPL matches with the last game on May 22 between Punjab Kings and Sunrisers Hyderabad.

“Due to the IPL Matches, a lot of restrictions are imposed by Police authorities for entry of the Members and other bona fide visitors, vendors to the Club House. This time, the number of matches has been increased from five/six to 21. There is also a likelihood of shifting matches to be played at Pune to Wankhede Stadium. It means our members will be put to a lot of inconvenience and greater financial loss to the Club House,” Garware Club vice-president Raj Purohit wrote on April 26.

Purohit added that due to summer vacations in schools and colleges, the members’ children would like to avail sports, gym and swimming pool facilities at the venue. “But due to IPL cricket matches, members have to undergo police frisking, stand outside the gate and deal with security personnel to allow them entry. In addition, if they come with their guests to avail the Club House facilities, either the guests have to go back or members themselves along with the guests have to go back. In addition, members have to face parking restrictions on match days and are forced to park their vehicles on the road compromising the safety of their vehicles,” Purohit wrote.

Due to such restrictions, the club’s footfall of members is considerably reduced, and bookings for rooms and banquet hall have to be cancelled. “Further, the number of members availing catering and bar facilities is also reduced. This, in turn, has considerably affected the financial position of the Club House. Nearly crores in revenue is lost due to so many IPL matches being played at Wankhede Stadium during April and May, 2022,” the BJP leader said.